
Mark is from London, England, and loves to jump off things. Unfortunately for him, he’s not very good at it, so in 2000 he started making photographs of people who were. 

Mark started his career as a snowboard photographer in Mayrhofen, Austria. Which was a poor choice, as he quickly learned that it was much more fun to snowboard himself than to watch his friends doing it.

So he went to college to study graphic design. He and his family were mystified when he was admitted to London’s Central Saint Martin’s. “Surely there’s been some mistake!”, exclaimed his shell-shocked father. Astonishingly, there had been no administrative mishap, and in 2004, after a year abroad studying fine art at The Cooper Union in New York City, Mark graduated.

In 2006, Mark moved to Los Angeles, where he enjoys making photographs, producing film and television, surfing, and writing about himself in the third person.